I have had an epiphany these past few days! God has been teaching me about my sins and my predominant fault. I cannot express the freedom I feel and today, I found myself engulfed in the Psalm, "Let All The Earth Cry Out to God with Joy!"
Everyone is in a different place on the road to holiness and heaven. Many people have asked for some thoughts on how to discern spirits? How do you do God's will and fight every day toward God? This is a long one....
I had no clue what that Holy Trinity was and the Holy Spirit was an enigma! But now, I live with the Spirit all day and I know His voice, praise God! And you can, too!
This morning I prayed hours of binding, deliverance, protection, soul ties and family tree healing prayers! The daily battle continues and it is no joke! Listen in, people.....a little longer than 10 minutes, cuz it is THAT important! 🥰
What if we all had one heart, one mind, one love for each other? That is what the early Church community had as we read in ACTS 4 32-37 and YOU can be this change in your family and community! 🥰 Listen in to hear how....
I wonder, how many times do you pray and yet do not approach God with reverence and love? I am guilty of this myself ... reciting prayers and not really thinking about who I am talking to ... I am just praying with my lips! And the bible says that is not good! Listen in and try something different!
I bet most of you have been a witness to gifts, charisms and miracles in your own life and those around you. and if not, maybe you are looking through skeptical adult eyes and not children's eyes?
Sometimes we don't feel the presence of God and that's actually normal. Maybe you are feeling this right now? We must continue to walk and know that He is walking with us every second of every day! 🥰
Feelin' a little lost now that Lent and Easter is over? it is not over in the Catholic Church! Listen in and join me on the next adventure of the Easter Season!
I am all over the map in terms of emotions on this Good Friday. Last year I lost it at Mass while venerating the Cross. Listen in....I ask you to join me!
Have you ever thought about how often you betray Jesus? We are all like Judas ... maybe not in as big of a sin, but in many smaller ways which hurt Him. Let's reflect and pray about that on this "Spy Wednesday" as Judas goes out to find a way to turn over Jesus.
In these times you may find it hard to trust God and to find His peace. Please listen for some inspiration...God's got this and you CAN possess His peace, joy and love!