
Showing posts from May, 2020

Show Me The Love! 😘

Think about God saying to you, "Show Me how much you love Me..." πŸ₯° What do you think He means by that? 

Time ... Are You Using It Or Wasting It πŸ€”

This is a deep reflection for everyone that we should keep in mind each day! 

Be Faithful ... Uh What Does That Really Mean πŸ€”

I am praying the Holy Spirit Novena and today's focus was faithfulness.   That is a loaded word, what does it really mean to be faithful? 

Joy And Humor! 🀣

Need a little joy and humor right now?   Rejoice always!   How do you do that when you have "stuff" going on in your life?   Maybe this will help!

Memorial Day And The Church

I can't help but reflect on the the Church and it's similarities with Memorial Day! Listen in....praying for everyone who was lost defending America and The Church! 

Just Gott Do It! πŸ‘

Sometimes ya just gotta do what ya just gotta do....listen in for more 

Who Is Walking With You πŸ˜‡

I was reflecting on the Easter Season and the 40 days before the Ascension this Sunday.   I want to share somd things with you....listen in, because it was truly crazy! 

What Does It Mean To Praise God πŸ€”

We should be focusing on praising and thanking God every day!   Praise is the opposite of sin.   It is so important, St. Paul says....well, listen in....

Our Lady Of Sorrows! ❤

This devotion really touched my heart! Are familiar with it and its promises?   Our Lady really needs our love, listen in....

Put On The Armor 🀺

Today begins a new spiritual battle for me!  I am trying new approaches to mastering my body and mortification!   Maybe you want to join me? 

Can't Calm Your Mind

Are you struggling to find peace that surpasses all understanding?   Listen to this....

Love ... It Makes Such A Difference! πŸ˜‡

When you do things for people because you love them, it's different, right?   That is how we should be with God, with love in our actions, words and thoughts. His grace will flow into us allowing us to love others even more. God is love....and is so good! 

Do You Have A ScheduleπŸ€”

I don't have a daily schedule planned out and God told me this morning that I need one!   Do you have one?   We all need some guidance each day... Listen in to see what I am talking about! πŸ₯°

Is Your Heart Troubled or Afraid_ 😟

Are you having days or moments of fear and worry and can't seem to find peace?   Listen to this....let's fill our hearts together! πŸ₯°

How About Trying Love_ ❤

If you are struggling with living a virtuous life, have you ever thought of trying to tap into love?   Listen in to see what I mean! And  is the site I refer to where my reflection is today.  Here are 2 FREE DOWNLOADS to help you pray: miracle-now your-mind    ... Enjoy! 

How Can I EvangelizeπŸ€”

Do you struggle sharing your faith or have had conversations backfire?   Maybe you should try this?  πŸ₯°

Will You Pray With Me_ πŸ™

I have an exhortation, please listen and pass along, hoping you will ALL pray this with me today! 

Are You Rejecting God_ 😲

Some of you may not even know you are doing it?   This is meant for everyone, please listen and share! 

Just Be Faithful! πŸ˜‡ It Really Is That Simple! πŸ™

Sometimes we complicate our lives and our faith journey so much that we send ourselves into a tizzy!   Listen in and find your peace! 

Jesus is GOD! πŸ˜‡

Most of my life, I didn't know that Jesus was God!   I just thought He was God's son!   Thank you, Jesus, for showing yourself to me and teaching me that YOU are the only way to heaven!