How much do you know about Angels? Do you pray to them and ask them to protect, guide and lead you? Let's take a walk down Angel Lane and learn what they are all about!
Sometimes we may feel like God forgot about us or maybe even punishing us....but that is so far from the truth! Let's reflect on Job and trust that God's got this!
How often do we celebrate the little a achievements in our daily lives? Not so often, right? Let's re-write our brains and ignite The Spirit in us with the little things!
Sometimes it is difficult to follow Jesus and share Him with the world. But we are called to do it and now is the time! To support my ministry, please go to Thank you for your love and prayers!
Have you been asked why you believe what you believe? Did you have an answer? To be a disciple, we should.... My blog eucharistic-miracles
Isn't love grand? It is great when you spend time with a person and walk away thinking how much you love them, isn't it? With God, our love can be perfected, even to our enemies!
Sometimes we get into situations where we can't see anything good coming out of it. But in Roman's 8:28 we know all things work for good for those who are called to His purpose.
Is God growing in you and through you? Are you using His power and fighting the spiritual waral day? Are you being still and asking Him to grow within you?