It is always time to make a move toward God. When we don't move forward we are actually regressing in in our spiritual life. Let's talk about that today!
Sometimes it is hard to keep Hope alive, especially when we see our loved ones falling into sin and the worldly life. Trust me, I speak from experience, which is why I want you to keep hope in your heart, always!
My relationship with Mary has been up and down, even though she took me to Jesus to heal my addiction. Today, I am going to contemplate the Annunciation in a big way and see how I, too, can be like Mary and give my life to God.
Today's readings point out pure evil, something we can never fully understand. There is evil all around us, let's pray for God's discernment and truth.
It is important to remember that Lent is a hard time and Satan doesn't want you to do any penitential act, what do you do if you keep falling?